David Hoffbrand is an author, speaker, and singer-songwriter based in Brighton, England.
David grew up in a Jewish family in north London. In his twenties David had a remarkable encounter with the Holy Spirit that led him on a path to faith in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, or Yeshua in Hebrew.
David’s book, The Jewish Jesus, published by Destiny Image, reflects this journey and has become a foundational resource for followers of Jesus in how to restore an authentic picture of the Jewish Messiah and his teachings. It also shows how the church is connected to God’s purposes for the Jewish people, and what it looks for Jewish and non-Jewish followers of Jesus to walk together as one community.
As well as Christians, the book is also an accessible and enlightening resource for Jewish people or anyone else looking to understand the Jewish context of Jesus (Yeshua)’s teaching, as well as that of his disciples.
David is a speaker who brings humour, passion, and insight to these and other areas, communicating in a way that, like the book, is accessible and engaging for every follower of Jesus.
David released a free online resource called 52 Sabbaths, now also out as a devotional book, which explores different aspects of the Sabbath in a weekly teaching. Over the course of a year this series helps people to understand, apply, and integrate the Sabbath into their approach to faith.
As a former social worker David has operated in the area of emotional wholeness and change over the course of his ministry, both on a one to one and group basis. This has led to two specific courses, one based on the roles that men take, and one for everyone called the How We Change course. These resources will hopefully be available in 2024.
David has previously released three albums and is working on a backlog of material to be released in the coming months and years!
David and his wife Denise are the spiritual oversight for CityCoast Church, Brighton, on the south coast of England, where they live with their two children, Isaac and Levi.